wvdm living lab
After one year of intensive investigation and technical development we are pleased to be selected to build and put in practice our circular renovation strategies for the VUB in Brussels.
The project links theory and practice of circular construction. It involves research, development, design and implementation of circular renovation strategies for student housing on the VUB campus, designed by Belgian modernist architect Willy Van Der Meeren. The innovative renovation solutions are upscalable and aim to be applied to other similar buildings in the Brussels Capital Region.
As part of the research process and in order to verify it we built a mockup module of the facade testing two of our strategies in 1:1.
Our strategies focus on the building envelope. The combination of different components, each with their own lifespan and maintenance frequency, requires a layered structure, in which the components are connected in a detachable and adaptable way.
Four elaborated strategies are evaluated with the help of different tools according to four principles: energy, heritage, sustainability and economy.
Competition: 1st Prize
Façade strategies. Circular renovation strategies.
Combination circular renovation strategies.
Façade strategies. Circular renovation strategies.
Program: multipurpose and residential areas
Client: VUB
Surface: 400 m²
Team: Origin, VK, VITO, Beneens.